Thursday, May 22, 2008

Recent dabblings

Some recent and quick sketches.  I haven't been a total slacker!


Anonymous said...

This is the cutest cow..absolutely flirting from the page! And I love that lamppost too. I always see lampposts, you are giving me the desire to take them on

Terry Banderas said...

Nice sketches, Brian.

Donna Mulholland said...

Hey Brian,

You haven't been sketching much lately, but I see you post now and again.

Hope to see your work again soon!

Joan Sandford-Cook said...

Hello Brian from Utah. You popped into my blog post of the south africa trip animals. So I came over to yours to have a look - and you put a great smile on my face with the cow. Like your unusual subjects and treatment and will add you to my favourites happily. Happy sketching from East Anglia England.

Laura Frankstone said...

I really like your energetic linework and robust colors!

suzanne cabrera said...

I really like that cow Brian. His body reminds me of....well perhaps I shouldn't say :) Too cute.

Lisa Adams Reed said...

I just love the little bit of green behind the lamppost. Really cool look!

suzanne cabrera said...

Hope you are doing well Brian---and getting some drawing in ---or better yet, time with your granddaughter! Thank you for your comment on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Nice sketches especialy the cow, (very funy)...

Rick and Pat said...

Absolutely love the cow! If you ever do one of a male pheasant, I'll have to buy it off of you. Rick absolutely loves pheasants! You are so talented! Thanks for sharing with us.

Anonymous said...
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